Mon. Jun 17th, 2024

In wake of the heinous crime in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh Director General of Police D Gautam Sawang has said there is no jurisdiction for police to register cases in the State. A ‘Zero FIR’ concept has been introduced by the DGP to prevent further crimes.

A circular has been issued to all the SPs which says, “Even if the alleged offence has been committed outside the territorial jurisdiction of the police station, FIR shall be registered and the same shall be transferred to appropriate police station.”

Zero FIR is an FIR that can be registered in any police station regardless of place of crime and jurisdiction to avoid any delay in investigation of the case. The initiative has been taken because when an individual approaches a police station, they are often being directed to other police stations on point of territorial jurisdiction.

Andhra DGP’s circular to SPs

This comes after the brutal rape and murder of 26-year-old Veterinary surgeon in Hyderabad.

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