Mon. Jun 3rd, 2024
Mallikarjun Kharge

Congress Leader Mallikarjun Kharge who represented the Opposition in high powered meeting that sacked the Alok Verma from CBI top post on Tuesday has written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Kharge in his letter to PM Modi has demanded to make public all the key documents including the CVC report and minutes of the high powered panel meeting that ousted Verma on Thursday, January 10.

“The leader of Congress Mallikarjun Kharge writes to PM Narendra Modi asking him to bring CVC report, Retd Justice AK Patnaik’s report, minutes of the Selection Committee meeting held on 10th Jan 2018 in public domain” reported ANI.

Read: ‘No proof of corruption against ousted CBI chief Alok Verma’ claims Justice Patnaik who supervised CVC report

Mallikarjun Kharge also asked the Prime Minister to convene Selection Committee meeting immediately for selection of new Director of CBI.

The high powered panel headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, including CJI nominated Justice Sikri and Congress Leader Mallikarjun Kharge had on January 10 sacked Alok Verma as the CBI Chief and posted him as a DG fire service. Sacked as CBI Director, Alok Verma refuses to take charge as DG Fire Services, tenders resignation

Mallikarjun Kharge was the only member in the three people panel that voted against the removal of Alok Verma. The dissent note submitted by Kharge stated that ‘CVC report submitted to SC doesn’t arrive at any conclusive finding with respect to allegations against him’.

Despite my best efforts to convince the members of the committee that we should be following the due process of law and the principles of natural justice, the members chose to take a decision based on the report that now stands disowned by Justice Patnaik,” Mallikarjun Kharge has said in his letter to PM Modi reportedly.

Earlier, Top Court on January 8 reinstated the CBI Chief Alok Verma setting aside October order of CVC. The Court has asked the Selection Committee to take a call on Alok Verma with seven days. Later Selection Committee that met on Thursday headed by PM Modi sacked Alok Verma.

Read: Prashant Bhushan, representing NGO, knocks SC against Nageshwar Rao’s appointment as CBI interim chief

By talharashid

Part-time Traveler| Full-time Political Enthusiast | Foodie | Strong Believer of Freedom of Speech and Expressions!

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