Mon. Jun 17th, 2024

Gearing up for Maharastra State Polls which are now just months away, Congress on Tuesday announced that it will complete the finalization of candidates for the polls by the month-end. Congress State media cell said that grand old party will finalize the candidates by July end.

As per the media cell of the party, the aspirant candidates will be interviewed by Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee (MPCC) Leaders on July 29, 30 and 31 in Mumbai and other parts of the state.

While the selected candidates will be sent to party central leadership in Delhi to get a final approval.

Earlier this month, Congress picked its CLP Leader of Maharashtra Balasaheb Thorat as new Maharashtra President. He has been given five new working President months before the Maharashtra State Polls who will be assisting him. Thorat replaced the interim and incumbent State chief Ashok Chavan.

Among the working President appointment, the grand old party picked Former minister Nitin Raut from Nagpur, Yashomati Thakur from Amravati, Vishwajeet Kadam from Sangli, Baswaraj Patil from Latur and Muzaffar Hussain from Thane as the five working presidents.

The state Congress president post fell vacant after senior party leader and former chief minister Ashok Chavan quit earlier this month taking responsibility of the party’s poor show.

Congress in the state is making efforts to revive itself after facing a humiliating defeat in the recently held national polls. In the state that sends 48 MPs to the Lok Sabha Polls, NCP-Congress could only bag 5 Lok Sabha Seats with NCP winning 4 seats while one seat won by the Indian National Congress.

Shiv Sena-BJP combine swept the state in the national polls bagging 41 seats out the 48 seats. Bharatiya Janata Party won 23 seats out of 25 contested while its partner Shiv Sena registered a victory on 18 out of 23 contested.

Eyeing to make a comeback in the state, Congress is also making efforts to reach out to small allies like Prakash Ambedkar‘s Vanchit Bahujan Aghadi. While Sonia Gandhi recent meet with MNS Chief Raj Thackeray triggered a buzz of a possible alliance of two parties.


By talharashid

Part-time Traveler| Full-time Political Enthusiast | Foodie | Strong Believer of Freedom of Speech and Expressions!

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