Mon. Jun 17th, 2024



Bangalore is a city of  eateries and restaurants as 60% of the population hail from the other states of India. Though the longingness for Ghar ka khana is there, yet the people are satisfied with the culinary centres. They attempt to provide the taste buds with the delicious food and ensure that people do not get bored of the cuisines. The mix and match has always worked out.

Bangalore is also a home for health conscious and fitness freaks who do not get carried away easily. They are very choosy with their dishes and prefer only hygienic outlets.  The health factor counts more than the taste buds. Thus, the State Government have come out with Hygiene License to ensure that quality food is served to the public. The cooks and chefs will have to get the health card to ensure that they do not suffer from any communicable diseases. Every Commercial establishment related to cooking and serving of food must possess  Hygiene License  from the local administration. This is implemented by the Centre under Food Safety and Standards Regulation Act 2006.



There have been frequent complaints about the quality of the food and the hygiene factor was always at the top of the mind before entering into any eatery joint. Thus, the government had to frame a law to prevent people from falling ill.  This law is applicable to all the vendors, from small eatery joints to 7 star hotels.  If the chefs do not possess the health cards, the employer will be penalized for the lapse. Though there is a medical check up during the induction period, yet  the yearly checkups are missed out mostly.

The cooks and chefs are also instructed to wear aprons, gloves and caps apart from possessing the health card. The establishments with a turnover of (upto)  Rs 12 lakh must pay Rs 100 for the hygiene license whereas those who fall in the range of Rs 12 lakh –Rs 30 crore must pay Rs 2000. These licenses can be obtained from District Food Safety Officer.  Any violations under this act will be considered an offence. The file Can be levied from Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 10 lakh, besides a jail term ranging from 6 months to 7 years.

By Prithviraj Singh Chauhan

Part time journalist, full-time observer. Editor-in-Chief at The Indian Wire. I cover updates related to business and startups.

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