Mon. Jun 17th, 2024
Image Source : Apple

Facebook is one of the most popular social networking site in today’s modern world. It has provided people a chance to interact with people around the world and apart from that, it has also helped the advertising agencies to attract more customers towards them. However, a recent announcement by Apple has brought a question mark in the marketing strategies of Facebook.

According to reports, Apple’s iPhone is getting a new update in its operating system which will be known as iOS14. It is now available to users in its beta form. However, this recent update has brought problems for Facebook as according to them, it will create big issues in their system of showing the fixed number of ads to iPhone users. On the other hand, it might lead to heavy criticism from the public because of the controversial relationship between Facebook and Apple.

Image Source : pngimg

Apple has also criticized the advertising system of Facebook saying that the data collection process of Facebook is completely baseless. According to sources, the size of the Audience Network business of Facebook is around billions and Facebook paid around $1.5 billion to the developers and publishers to display their ads in the year 2018. In this time when the world is living under the fear of Covid-19 pandemic and businesses are shut down until further notice, this recent change in Apple’s iPhone will definitely bring new problems in the advertising network of Facebook.

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