Fri. Apr 26th, 2024

DafaNews is a one-stop online news hub for your daily dose of news, views, features, interviews and analysis. Amid sports fever, the portal caters to the demands of all sports aficionados by reporting judiciously about the world of sports.

With timeliness more important in the contemporary digital age, DafaNews primarily focuses on providing breaking news on Indian sports along with the live scores from ongoing matches across the globe.

Invaluable readers can catch all the action, latest cricket news and much more on its advanced technology-driven platform.

With an exceptional amount of traffic in its infancy, DafaNews is setting a new benchmark on a monthly basis. Along with the cut-throat competition, Dafa team is bound to pay great attention to detail and meet the demand of its avid readers who belong to different sections and diverse backgrounds.

Besides, it covers a wide variety of events such as IPL, ISL, to name a few. You can stay tuned for the latest announcement about the Indian Premier League (IPL).

You can follow all the latest Indian Premier League updates on DafaNews as it will be tracking all the happenings, news and will bring a lot more action and information at your fingertips.

On working through a systematized process, our dedicated writers provide the news on other sports like Tennis, Golf, Horse Racing, Field Hockey, Badminton, Boxing and Wrestling.

To top it, Dafabet India provides its readers with a wide selection of sports betting markets; it gives you the best value in terms of cricket odds.

So, if you don’t want to miss out on any update on the upcoming sporting events including the lucrative IPL, do visit Dafa News website or download its user-friendly app.

Dafa News is pleased to announce that it has an official application which is easy to navigate and accessible on any smartphone.

To make it easy, follow the links below to download their mobile app on your Apple or Android devices:

Dafanews for Android users

Dafanews for Apple users

If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to us at [email protected].

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