Sun. Jun 16th, 2024
Handcuffed female workers begin to climb into a bus for transportation to a processing center following a raid by U.S. immigration officials at a Koch Foods Inc., plant in Morton, Miss., Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2019. The early morning raids were part of a large-scale operation targeting owners as well as undocumented employees. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)

Washington DC, August 8: The United States migration authorities have detained around 700 individuals after a progression of raids in the province of Mississippi.

The co-ordinated activities focused on laborers at seven farming handling plants who purportedly did not have appropriate documentation, according to BBC.

Recordings and photographs indicated operators visiting in vehicles to question and detain the individuals.

A few youngsters were taken to a nearby gym center after they returned home to discover their folks gone.

Movement and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said “approximately 680 removable aliens” had been detained.

US President Donald Trump reported a migration crackdown in June, saying “millions of illegal aliens who [had] found their way into the US” would be expelled

The strike occurred some hours before Mr. Trump touched base in the dominant part Latino city of El Paso to stamp a mass shooting which left 22 individuals dead.

Around 600 ICE operators touched base at the chicken handling plants, claimed by five distinct organizations, in the towns of Bay Springs, Canton, Carthage, Morton, Pelahatchie and Sebastopol.

The organization’s acting executive, Matthew Albence, told the Associated Press news office the assaults could be “the largest-ever workplace operation in any single state”.


Also read: US President Trump to visit El Paso mass shooting site to meet first responders, victims amidst criticism

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