Sun. Jun 16th, 2024

Tehran, June 11: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has said on Monday the European Union (EU) should avoid the “economic terrorism” which the United States has committed against Iran and it should also fulfill its obligations under the landmark 2015 nuclear deal.

The president was quoted by state-run IRNA as saying, “The US withdrawal from the JCPOA has had nothing, but the adverse impact on the interaction among the countries and regional stability. If EU states maintain that JCPOA benefits Iran and EU ties as well as regional stability and peace, it should take practical steps to save the deal.”

Rouhani made these comments during his meeting with Heiko Maas, the German foreign minister, in Tehran, according to ANI news reports.

While accusing Washington of breaching the International Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, he said the US, in a reaction, has launched “terrorist actions” and that the bloc did not appear to have any “responsible reactions” from their side over the matter.

Rouhani said, “The US is moving on track of economic terrorism with its oppressive sanctions.”

While dismissing the US claims Iran was planning to construct its nuclear bombs, he said Tehran’s compliances with the agreement was verified by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in 15 reports.

The president also asserted Iran took major steps in ensuring the region’s peace and stability and continue to fighting against terrorism in nations including Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

On the other, the German foreign minister talked about tension escalation in the Middle East, saying, “We and the EU are seeking to reduce tensions in the region and will spare no efforts in this respect.”

While disregarding US withdrawal from INF pact, Maas underlined Germany was against America’s policies and that Berlin was trying to rescue the pact by cooperating with bloc states, especially the United Kingdom (UK) and France.


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