Mon. May 6th, 2024
Ruffian Games Crackdown Rockstar Games

Ruffian Games is the developer of Crackdown 2 and the cancelled game, Hollowpoint. Rockstar Games recently acquired the studio. It was also a helping hand in several Xbox Studios Games, – Halo: The Master Chief Collection and Crackdown 3. Hence, the studio has now been renamed to Rockstar Dundee.

Crackdown 2 Toy Box Ruffian Games Rockstar Dundee

The rebranding went through on Oct 5th. It was first noticed on a Companies House listing. The company was originally formed in 2008. And it included members of the original Crackdown developer. But Ruffian Games has more history with Rockstar Games. The original Crackdown developer was Realtime Worlds. And the co-founder of DMA Design started that company. DMA Design later formed Rockstar North. It is the original GTA developer.

Apparently, Ruffian Games has been looking for new engineers for a project under Rockstar Games since October, 2019. A tweet made during that time makes this evident. Later, the studio promised us a clandestine four-player coop adventure title called Hollowpoint. Announced in GAMESCOM 2014, it never made its way to the Steam Store. Or anywhere for that matter.

Hollowpoint Ruffian Games Steam

Currently, it is unknown what Ruffian Games is working on. But it can be possible that they’re now part of the bigger Rockstar projects. Maybe the next iteration in the Bully franchise or the GTA franchise.

By Ankan Das

Works on tea, makes video-games, and pursues computer science.