Fri. May 3rd, 2024

Due to consolidation, there has been a loss in the number of jobs in the telecom industry. However, around 10 million employment opportunities are going to be created over the next five years according to the skill development body for the sector. The CEO of TSSC Mr. SP Kochhar was quoted as saying that around 4 million people are currently employed in the telecom sector but by the end of five years, over 14.3 million people will be employed in the telecom as well as telecom manufacturing industry.

As per the CIEL HR report, the telecom industry has already lost 40,000 jobs since last year and a similar trend is expected to continue for the coming six to nine months with the figure to reach 80,000 to 90,000. Kochhar said that TSSC is expecting a major demand of employment opportunities from the upcoming state-of-the-art technologies including machine-to-machine communications, followed by infrastructure, service companies, and teleocm manufacturing. Manufacturing line coming to India has given a lot of hope to the telecom sectors. There are also projections being made by the teleocm manufacturing industry about 14.2 Lakh people being employed in the sector.

It has also been stated that TSSC will be building modules on the national occupational standards which will be prepared in sync with the industry and approved by the government. The telecom sector has also proposed to the government to change the approach using which the employment is looked at after training to training based on job demand which will come to the industry. Investment will be done to create the training centre and equipments will be given out of CSR where all the technicians will be trained after which they will be free to get employed. This is the ecosystem which is likely to be created within a year.

By saumya