Mon. May 13th, 2024

We all use Whatsapp for personal and professional purposes. However, according to Robert Theaton, even though the third party cannot read the messages because they are two way encrypted, however, there is a new vulnerability that can be used to track users activity timing on the app.

According to his recent blog, he described how to achieve the same just by using a laptop. Using the last seen option, who has not been restricted to this setting, the user can be monitored. This applies for iOS, Android and Windows phone operating system.

How does this work?

if someone has saved your mobile number, and the number is connected via Whatsapp, then you will be able to see if the user is online or offline, even though the other user has not saved your contact. If one can be able to write a line of code or two, then all these catalogues can be recorded without actually doing anything at all.

So, how can one stop it from being monitored or recorded, go to setting, account, privacy and set the last seen to none or my contacts from the default everyone. So, you can only share your availability to none or for those you know.

As privacy amongst us is an important aspect of life, it’s important to consider the fact that, sharing personal data like this will cause a lot of problems in the daily life scenario. Though there is nothing wrong with the Whatsapp’s permission or the way it works, apps like these which are being used by the millions of users on daily basis should be able to educate its users regarding the safety and privacy matters of the app and how it works.

So, do you use Whatsapp on daily basis? Whats your last seen feature is set at? Share your views in the comments below.

By Vivek
