Tue. May 14th, 2024
AOC US politician representative congresswoman Among Us Twitchhttps://aldianews.com/sites/default/files/articles/aoc3.jpg

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is a US Congresswoman for NY-14. Besides, she is popularly known by her initials. Momentarily before, she tweeted that she wanted to try out Among Us on Twitch. Moreover, she mentions that through this she wants people to go out and vote.

among us innersloth

Popular streamers including pokimane and neekolul are chiming in. Hunter Pence of baseball fame aren’t too far from the catch either. Even other US politicians running for Congress are trying to join in on the game. Several US politicians are turning to video-games for reaching out to people. Having a senate that feels more humane might be slightly consequential to the election results, as empathy and psychological factors do play a role in your votes.

AOC has since opened up a Twitch account and already got verified. Consequentially, she already has around 200K followers on the platform. She hasn’t streamed yet, but it seems that she’d be ready to go soon. AOC is also known for being an avid League of Legends player. Among Us recently blew up on Twitch and led to about a million players playing the game concurrently at times.

The game became hugely mainstream. So much that its developer InnerSloth decided to cancel the sequel to work on the game. AOC will start streaming as soon as she gets her setup ready, so keep an eye out.

By Ankan Das

Works on tea, makes video-games, and pursues computer science.