Sun. Jun 16th, 2024
Image Source : Devdiscourse

Microsoft Outlook and Office 365 has been down today for some Indian users. Many users tweeted the issue by tagging the Microsoft Outlook Twitter handle and Microsoft has acknowledged the issue. On the other hand, Down detector has showed that the problem is globally limited to less than 1,000 people.

The company confirmed that they have solved the issue and it has recovered for a large number of users. Microsoft has also made some optimizations to make sure that it works for all the users.

The engineers were reporting a problem that affected a few services of Microsoft 365. Services started to improve as a result of the measures they implemented.

Image Source : The Hans India

Because of large number of tweets and other platforms, Microsoft has been badly hit by the outage in India. The team of Microsoft Outlook has responded on Twitter with a generic tweet where they thanked the users for flagging the issue and the engineering team is aware and investigating it. More information can be found at the admin center under under EX223208. They also apologized for the inconvenience caused.

While writing the story, users reported problems in logging-in and website errors. A few users said to have faced issues in receiving emails.

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