Sun. Jun 16th, 2024
Android Gesture Navigation

Android Q is expected to debut this year as Google next-gen operating system and the early build code of the OS are already out. Recently we reported about the possible features that we might see in the Android Q which included a system-wide dark mode, enhanced app permissions, more secure smart-lock and more. Further, the latest findings suggest that Google might do away with the back button, which has been a feature on every Android version so far.

Google introduced its gesture-based navigation feature with the Android 9.0 Pie. Nevertheless, users are allowed to revert back to the traditional if they happened to not like the new gesture-based feature. Now, according to a report by XDADevelopers, Google is expected to remove the back button and along with it the ability to revert back to the traditional three-button navigation system.

This means that Google might be looking to implement the gestures feature that is seen on iPhone X and later models with its next variant of the Android OS. With the new feature, users will most likely end up with a single home button on their smartphones running Android Q.

In Android Q, Google is experimenting with two major changes with Android Pie’s gesture: replacing the home button with a gesture and improving the fluidity of the “last app” transition animation. Google will also disable the option of reverting back to the traditional three-button navigation system. With the new OS, the home button will become fully gesture-based and will also retain all the gestures that were introduced with the Android Pie update. Android Q is also expected to add new gestures– sliding the home button to the left to act as a back button.

Since this is a pre-release version, it is not certain if the feature will make it with the next version of the OS.

Most of the complaints users have with the Android Pie gesture feature is the presence of the dedicated back button and the difficulty of performing the long swipe up of the pill to open the app drawer.

Google is also seemingly going in with an iPhone-like last app gesture animation. In Android Q, users can swipe right on the pill on any app to cycle the previous apps with a smooth transition. Android Q allows users to go through all of their recent apps by continuing to swipe right on the pill, which moves you left on the horizontal recent apps overview list until you reach the oldest app in the list. Further, users can slide the pill right while on the launcher to cycle through all the apps in one gesture.

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