Tue. May 7th, 2024
Instagram Text Only tool

Instagram is a Photo-Video significant social network. People were using it as a tool to share images that further represents your thoughts. They just added a new tool which people were craving for years,  on Thursday.

A cumulative update, version 30 was launched recently for Instagram for Android as well as iOS users. This key tool enabled people to add texts to their stories, called Type Mode.This new tool enables you to customize Text, Text color, and background color with the tweak of your creativity.

To try the new feature, swipe as you do for photos and live videos, a new option “TYPE” will show up to the extreme left. These new text styles can be imposed further into your photos and videos.

This new feature can share your deep thoughts or day-to-day quality position. Most people were using this earlier, so having this tool would definitely help saving time and steps.

By Satish

Currently pursuing BBA, stating in the Capital. Over the past couple of months, experience in preparing marketing campaigns, technical news articles and written content for some exciting blockchain-backed projects.