Wed. May 1st, 2024
How To Grow A Beard Faster

Growing beard is a tricky business. Some men are blessed with fast-growing and good looking facial hair while others struggle with little hair or patchy hair whiskers.

There are a number of things which effect the rate at which your beard grows. Number one and most important factor is genetics. However, if you are not blessed with great genes, here are a number of steps you can take in order to grow your beard faster naturally.

1. Take care of your face

This is a no secret, that if you want great looking beard, you have to start by taking care of your facial skin. You can start by gently cleaning, moisturizing, exfoliating and trimming regularly.

You would also want to try out several beard growth supplements which will help in speeding up the process.

Other than this, you should also not focus too much on your facial skin. Some people try out various weird things in order to grow facial hair faster, like shaving as soon as hair show up on face.

According to various research shaving too frequently can inhibit your facial hair growth process and can also make your facial hair un-symmetrical and sharp.

2. Try out supplements

Natural supplements like vitamins and biotin help in hair growth and are also helpful for body as a whole.

Biotin in particular, is proved to be great for hair growth. You would want to start with 2.5 mg of biotin a day. You can buy this at the nearest medical store and it will be better if you consult a doctor before buying this.

If we talk about vitamins, vitamin B is said to be very effective for hair growth. Vitamin B comes in various forms like vitamin B-6 and vitamin B-12, both of which are said to be beneficial for facial hair growth.

In addition to this, you would want to increase the protein intake in your meal. Eat foods like eggs, fish, fruits and vegetables.

3. Adopt a healthy lifestyle

The kind of lifestyle you are living has huge impact on your face and also your facial hair.

If you are someone who rarely works out and sweats, you will have a hard time growing beard.

I would therefor recommend that you exercise regularly and sweat it out regularly.

We all know that sweat glands in our skin are present right under our skin which is also the path for hair growth. Therefore, by sweating regularly would help in healthy hair growing and also a clear skin.

By living a healthy lifestyle, also means managing stress effectively.

According to experts, beards will grow more quickly when you are relaxed. Therefore, it’s extremely recommended that you stay out of stressful lifestyle and give yourself some relaxed time.

4. Give it some break

A lot of us want results quickly and we try all sort of things to grow beard in a night. However this can effect your natural beard growing process.

Like other body parts, facial hair also need time to grow. You will have to give it sometime before you see some results.

I would therefore recommend, that you leave your facial hair alone and allow them to grow on their own.

Also, don’t forget to get plenty of rest. A healthy sleep will help your damaged skin cells repair and will promote in beard growth.

By Pankaj Singh

Editor. Talking about future fascinates me.

One thought on “How To Grow A Beard Faster – Beard Growing Tips”
  1. It got me when you said that one way to make the beard look amazing is to take care of the facial skin by moisturizing and exfoliating it. I do not know the relevance of this, but I will suggest this to my brother since he is the one who wants to grow a beard. I will also ask him to buy this beard balm that I saw the other day and see if it will work.

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