Sat. May 11th, 2024

We all know, that children are a clean slate but what happens when they start asking you questions about the universe, our creation, purpose of life and so on. Parents at times do not know how to resolve the query, sometimes procrastinate or even tell them to mum.  But each one of us has the realization that there is for sure a supreme power who has created us, whether we follow any religion or not even pray to that power. The existence of a supreme power is undeniable and therefore no matter how hard we try but the question of our connection with the God becomes a matter of concern.


To start with there is no prominent assertion by scientists what spirituality is. Some believe it is a constant developmental process with which we are born, some assert the fact that we definitely do have the capacity to inculcate it by interacting with our parents and teachers. But in general, spirituality is often viewed as the beliefs, practices, and experiences that shape and create our way of living which may or may not be taught in any religious practices. But consciously choosing to practice spirituality and seeking answers about our existence and the universe surely makes us a responsible being.

In a research conducted on over 7000 people from India, Australia, Canada, Thailand, U.K and U.S who are from different religions and even atheists confirm one fact that spiritual progress transcends boundaries, religions and it even doesn’t abide the rule of practicing your religious rituals on a daily basis.


First of all, we need to get all the respective elements of being spiritual because these aspects will help us better to understand it’s relevance in the educational curriculum:

  1. Empathy:

This is by far the best emotion in human beings which suggest their coordination with the fellow humans by perceiving their reactions, body language and at last understanding them by putting your toes in their shoes. Teaching students initially about this human potential make them explore their depth as a human being. which will help them grow and find their soft spots towards fellow human beings and that too unbiased by their race, caste, creed or gender.

  1. Gratitude:

This is a feeling that comes when we thank someone who gave us favor which is undeserved. These days parents often complain about their children being over demanding and being thankless, but if we see to the flip side of the story we at times did this too. That’s why practicing spirituality in our daily lives helps us overcome such vices. And teaching this in school curriculum will inculcate good values in students that after a point of time becomes their way of living.

  1. Compassion:

Compassion is an emotion in which people go out of their way to feel for others. Because helping others is the only way you can build a society that is happier and safer for everyone. Things can only get better if we nourish the roots i.e. students at an early age when exposed with such values always brings good results to the society and to themselves.

By Palak Arora

Hello, readers welcome to the world of intellect. A world where you and I grow together reading, listening and loving with all enthusiasm and love for the Divine.

2 thought on “Spirituality in Education : How can modern system help students think deep”
  1. A basic premise of holistic education is the belief that our lives have a meaning and purpose greater than the mechanistic laws described by science, and greater than the ‘consensus consciousness’ of any one culture. This transcendent purpose is creative, self-guiding energy which we ought not to attempt to suppress.
    Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Affording students the time to reflect and question accepted assumptions can help them critically think about the world around them. Young people can get really excited when discussing life’s big questions and that enthusiasm and engagement can transfer to other aspects of their coursework.

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