Mon. Jun 17th, 2024

Gulf, a region, that has forever witnessed a troubled past, has been embroiled in the web of conflicts and is likely to have life full of insecurities with each other in future.

Man has always been at war with his greed and desires, many a times they win but at times they create havoc throughout the world.

Early spice routes involved an extensive travel through historical civilizations in Asia, Northeast Africa and Europe which was controlled by the Persians and Turks at strategic locations like Hormuz or Aden, while the local traders worked at other points, including Tamils.

But changes ought to come with necessity that Europe felt in time. Spices, incense, saffron etc. could not remain a monopoly of any single entity and thereby, therefore, Europeans began investing in ideas those could circumscribe these established routes.

divided monopolies around the globe

Hence the geographical discoveries began and with them the alternative routes and alternative rulers of Trade.

For a brief history of time with shift of Power, the conflicts could reverberate entire Europe starting from Balkan wars to Treaty of Vienna and World Wars.

Gulf was at rest for some time when the discovery of Oil (Persian Gulf 1911) in the region led to a boom.

Then and Now in Gulf:

Currently this region is home to two-thirds of the world’s estimated proven oil reserves and one-third of the world’s estimated proven natural gas reserves.

Apart from several innate factors contributing to its fragile Geopolitics, this power drawn on energy resources, has added to this chaos.

The region has been far from stable. Regional disparities among Neighbors like that of Saudi-Iran and its spillover effects in other countries like Lebanon or Yemen has worsened the scenario.

Even the Countries with solidarity like Qatar have to face problems due to such conflicts. If this could not have been enough, then Israel-Palestine issue has been evergreen so far.

How does it affect Us?

Gulf is an indispensable part of India’s ‘extended neighborhood’, both by geographical proximity as well as of our expanded interests and growing Indian influence.

The decisions made at OPEC and GCC influence us in complete depth. Although we are moving towards Renewables, yet major part of our economy depends on Oil and gas, with bare minimum deposits of our own.

Three of the top five oil suppliers to India are Gulf states with approximately $104 billion trade.

This indeed, makes us quite vulnerable to any disturbance in Gulf. For example: India faced Economic crisis out of Stagflation due to the 1990-91 Gulf War crisis.

Also, Indians make up as Gulf’s largest expatriate community, with an estimated 7.6 million Indian nationals living and working in the region; especially in Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

For our socio-economic stability, it is preferable that the region remains progressive.

The bigger curse is that the entire world is drawn into these conflicts, taking sides, threatening escalations and implying sanctions, forgetting that there is humanity being mutilated on each front.

And there is a greater danger to Humanity than mere selfish motives.

Opportunity cost for Saudi and Middle-east to not work for Environment

A greater Climate consensus is anyhow needed for entire human survival. This becomes extremely difficult in the wake of conflicts all around.

Can we change to think about an impending Environmental crisis before irresponsible populist attempts?

Can we think of peace in times of war?

SAUDI’s VISION 2030: A new light in the dark

Launched in 2016, Vision 2030 is a mega developmental project aiming at reform Saudi’s economy and society along environmental lines.

In its third year, it aims to foster a private sector-led self-sustaining economy, an open and vibrant society, and an ambitious nation in order to address the global challenges such as the pandemic, climate change etc.

Saudi Arabia has recently launched two initiatives: Saudi Green initiative and Middle East Green initiative

Saudi Green Initiative: provides an incentive to raise vegetation cover and therefore reduce land degradation, reduce carbon emissions and combat pollution. As a part of it, several measures are being undertaken:

10 billion trees are to be planted in Saudi Arabia.

Reduce carbon emissions significantly by more than 4% of entire global emissions, through judicious use of renewable energy source.

Saudi will aim to generate 50% of energy from renewable sources for its own citizenry.

Additionally, it aims to increase the protected areas proportion to more than 30% (global target alone is 17% on an average).

Middle East Green Initiative

Under this, Saudi Arabia along with other Gulf Cooperation Council countries and involved regional partners, will undertake planting additional 40 billion trees in West Asian region.

With this extravagant ambition, 5% of global target is being fulfilled by planting 1 trillion trees in toto in the region full of dry-arid conditions.

The region parties will aim at reducing global carbon levels by 2.5%.

Members are willing to share the relevant technology with neighboring countries to ensure reduction emission targets from indiscriminate hydrocarbon production in the region by 60% and globally by 10%.

It is too interesting to know that Saudi Arabia currently operates the world’s largest carbon capture and utilization plant, thereby turning half a million CO2 annually into products such as fertilizers and methanol.

Simultaneously, one of the most advanced CO2 enhanced oil recovery plant is also in place in the region, capturing approximately 8,00,000 tonnes of CO2 annually.

The seriousness of Saudi and newly emerged responsibility towards immediate Environment, has signed the International Solar Alliance (ISA) with India and France to boost solar energy for replacing the fossils.

Middle-East is even trying technologies to trigger rainfall in its cloudless skies by inducing cloud-seeding methods. This can prosper its agriculture and help tackle deforestation threat.

UAE’s request to play a host for Climate Change Conference:

In a recent awakening, United Arab Emirates has requested to host the future International Conference on Climate change in line COP 28 to be in 2023. Much awaited is this year’s COP26.

COPs are the apex bodies for monitoring and reviewing the implementation of policies regarding the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

The UAE has demonstrated a proven track record in progressive climate action and multilateral cooperation that makes it an ideal convener for COP 28”, UAE’s Foreign Minister explains.

The UAE has invested around $17 billion in commercial renewable energy projects on six continents and provided over $1 billion of grants and soft loans for renewable energy power plants.”

UAE also hosts International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

Integrating these important interventions by States, who have barely addressed the threat of Climate change in past, into Global Climate Action measures can strengthen sustainability in long run.

These countries being a natural hub of intense activities encompassing different spheres—geopolitical, military, economic, industrial, construction, tourism, especially ongoing Conflicts in Syria, Yemen etc. have led to severe environmental problems in the region.

This anyhow triggers migration and consequent exploitation in other parts of the World.

‘Vision 2030’ here too, may prove to be a double-edged sword: its failure can probably unleash domestic chaos and instability without any other alternative.

While Saudi tries to re-assert its lost influence in the region, its success may further embolden its ambitious leader Mohammad bin Salman to promote strong nationalist narratives across the region.

This can lead to insecurities and dig another grave for different stakeholders in the region.

Climate consensus is the next big real thing in the world. It won’t spare anyone, be it prosperous or safe for now.

Its exemplary for other Nations in the vicinity, so absorbed in their insecurities, to quit it all and discover agreements within, to work for rejuvenating the biggest asset, Nature.

By Alaina Ali Beg

I am a lover of all arts and therefore can dream myself in all places where the World takes me. I am an avid animal lover and firmly believes that Nature is the true sorcerer.